Netball: passing

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Who can send me an example of a training session for?

Who can send me an example of a training session for a A3 team where the training lasts 1 hours from warn up to warm down

Archived User Coach

Does anyone have any exercises or drills to stop my girls passing to th other team??

Does anyone have any exercises or drills to stop an entire team of girls from passing the ball to the defenders instead of their own team mates...? THey can all throw a pass to each other in training, I've tried adding pressure situations where they have defenders to evade to replicate the real game but in games they cannot seem to get it!

Archived User Coach

Tips for coaching ball skills to 8 year olds

I'm coaching ball skills to 8 year olds who have never played before. I have a good idea of sessions to run but any top tips from coaches with experience in this age group would be welcomed!

Sharon Garner Coach, England

Passing against strong arms over ball defence

I am trying to find a video of this skill to show players how to pass around strong over the ball long arm defence to avoid getting the pass deflected. Any links or ideas?

Karen Grant Coach, Australia

How can we convert more turnovers as a team?

How do I coach my team to successfully convert turnovers? What are your favourite drills / pieces of advice?

Archived User Coach

How can I improve lob passing in netball with games approach??

During my class session, few of my students are poor in lob passing. Their technique of passing is wrong. How can I improve their lob passing skill, with an interesting games approach?

Archived User Coach

Drills to practice at home

Needing some drills that can be practices at home! (Not shooting or sprints!)

Archived User Coach

Coaching the very young team yr 1-3 age 6-9

I'm coaching the very young team yr 1-3 age 6-9 and was wondering what's the best drills to teach them ball skills passing quick and basic rules? Thanks Mikaela

Mikaela Coach, Australia

Passing pace, using the 3 seconds

What drills are best to help slow down the pass, in other words use the 3 seconds allowed. To help players reposition for the next pass. Training is too fast a pace. Asked using Sportplan Mobile App

Lauren Kiddell Coach, England

Need help to get started with school girls.

Hi. I am a welfare worker at a primary school and had a bit of interest with playing netball in our lunch break once a week. We only have one net so we can only play half court and we have about 10 players.I only know netball through my daughter playing every weekend otherwise I've had zero experience.Do you have any suggestions how to get the girls started? Most of them never had played netball or even seen a game!Thank you

Haley Goodwin Coach, Australia

NetSetGo Girls Training

I’m new to coaching and have a team of 9 NetSetGo girls aged 8/9. While they have played two seasons already, they lack basic skills such as chest passing, shoulder passing, pivoting, etc.Does anyone have any helpful tips or useful drills which could be used to help teach the girls these skills. Asked using Sportplan Mobile App

Celeste Coach, Australia


what is the best tactic or strategies to use to bit the opponent defence?

victor nesphory Coach, United Kingdom

First time Netball coach

Hello, it will be my first time ever doing something netball related specifically coaching so I was just wondering if I could get help starting and initiating plans. I am experienced in Basketball so I am hoping this will help with drills and excerise.

paradise 0 Coach, Australia

First Time Coaching Year 2s.

I have played netball pretty much all of my life, but this week I will be starting to coach year 2's (age 6/7/8). I am sure they will all be new to the sport, and I could really use some advice on what to do. Any tips, or training excersices, or videos I could watch would be amazing.

Matilda Mackie Coach, Australia

Players passing is poor | Spor...

Lately my players have been passing to the other team. Their timing is off and their play is way to fast down court.

Aligirl Coach, Australia

Passing Problems !!!! | Sportp...

Hi I am a first year coach of a 9 and under team.My girls are struggling with the concept of running to space and receiving a pass on the move while advancing the ball to our attacking third.It seems no matter how hard i try to implement drills for passing at practice, come game day the girls still group together and call for the ball standing still. Any ideas/drills anyone could suggest would be greatly appreciated. Regards Mark

mark roberts Coach, Australia

Passing, defending, getting fr...

I'm coaching u/10's and have an excellent A team, but the B team have learners who haven't been playing netball so long. Does anyone have one or two basic activities, easy to understand (for them) which I can drill them with for passing, defending and getting free, as well as something for the shooters. They are always all over the place (we do practice channels) and really struggle to get free - they run a bit and then just stop to wait for the ball. Anything, even just some advice would be appreciated! :)

Archived User Coach

Stalking players - passing dow...

One of my players stalks every time she gets the ball, she doesn't have good balance, what drill apart from teaching her to slow down could I use.

Tracy Broe Coach, New Zealand

Infront for a pass instead of ...

Whats a good drill to help with coming infront of their partners instead of the immediate thought of dropping back for a pass?

Jordan Mills Coach, New Zealand

U10's making space and passing...

Hello all, I have been coaching my u10's currently for 2 years now. They are a fabulous little team i.e. gs holds and defence box out etc however we are never winning games! They are currently playing up a year and after sitting back and watching what is going wrong I had noticed they all seem to be in one area so no-one can drive into a space to receive a direct fast ball. When this occasionally does happen the ball is not released fast enough and consequently intercepted! I was wondering if anyone has an tips on space, driving into space, and early passes! This team could be amazing if we sort this is out! Please help!!!!!!!!!

Mia Kersey Coach, England
passing WEB VIDEOS
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Coaches from around the world look to Sportplan for coaching confidence.

I have thoroughly enjoyed using your site to help me with my coaching plans for my under 9's netball team.

Donna Maloy Coach, Australia

I found this service to be excellent and it was of great help when planning my netball training sessions.

Jo Peckover Netball Coach, Australia

Sportplan is fantastic with all the various drills for every area of netball. My confidence as a coach has improved because I have Sportplan to support me.

Julie Lam Australia

Wow what a great website, I have found sportplan an important tool for me when planning my netball sessions with my netball team. There are alot of very helpful tips/ideas/skills that I can learn and teach to my team. Thank you sportplan I hope to continue to use your helpful tips and to learn more about improving my teams netball skills. Thanks again....keep it up....

Monique New Zealand

I have been using Sportplan now for 3 years and can honestly say that I have never repeated the same session twice. My girls are always focused and are improving every year. Thanks Sportplan.

Debbie Cross Australia

What a fantastic tool. The Chalkboard and session tools make an unbelievable difference in making training plans in both time and organization. I will be instructing all of my assistant coaches that this tool must be used for all sessions during the season, so that we may build a club coaching resource library.

Wes Campbell Rugby Coach Canada

I can't get enough of the Sportplan, It has given me back the enthusiasm i was starting to lose. My girls are so keen and are ready at 14 to take the next up in their game. Sportplan will help no end.

Cornel Basketball Coach, South Africa


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  • or access our tried and tested netball plans

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