Sportplan rugby has played a large role in my team's love for the game!
My team is having trouble going past the ball when rucking. We are working on body heights and hitting past the ball but any suggested drills would be a great help.
My fowards seem afraid to ruck and stand around the ruck while in the way of the scrum half trying to get the ball out to the backs. They also don't support the ball carrier while he is being tackled. Please help me with any suggestions!!!
As well as coaching U10 rugby, I also get to referee U10 games, under the New Rules Of Play. I feel that my refereeing of the ruck isn't as good as it could/should be. Has anyone got an easy to follow system to help them referee U10 rucks ?
Aggresive rucking drills/games for an U18 squad?
can anyone suggest drills and practises for forwards to chase kicks please??????
Can you lift the legs when clearing out the ruck and if so what happens if you take the player off his feet to the ground?
Several of my players are taking the ball a yard too far into contact and losing possession as a result.Do you have any suggestions or drills that would help to address this? Dave Knights. Hong Kong
looking for a counter rucking drill please under 13`s
Is sealing the ball at the tackle and ruck legal again?
I'm looking for a couple of drills for counter rucking and mauling to suit U11's..... any guidance?
Some of my U9s players, who are experiencing contact for their first season, are showing reticence in tackling - how do you coach or get through the fear factor/element?
What are the situation penalty been given to the attacking /opponent team in rucking?
is a player deemed of their feet at a ruck when both hands and feet are in contact with floor (basically in a press up position)
I have just started helping our head coach with under12's team. He wants to retire and has put me forward to be head coach next season. I am a little worried on how i should aproach training with the boys, going to a full 15 a side team on a full pitch. Any ideas would be greatly appreciated.
an RFU directive states that coaches should not hold pads/shields for juniors to run into during sessions, or even juniors holding pads for each other!!! I notice a lot of drills utilise pads as this was something we always used when I trained years ago! I personally think they are a good thing (especially since some of the juniors I coach are 'not small'!) BUT wondered what the general thoughts were out there in SportPlan world....
My team of 10 yr olds are great at rucking whilst in posesion but have not grasped the idea of counter rucking. they seem to make the takle and then stand off and not counter ruck. any suggestions on drills that might encourage them to counter ruck?
Rucking - does a ruck end when defending players back off from contact? The "successful/unsuccessful end to a ruck" seems to infer that there are still players in contact. If they are not, does the offside line change?
I'm a new player trying to learn to play Scrum half. I have a general idea of how the game works having played back positions a few times. However, I'm confused about one thing (and this might be dumb but bear with me). The thing is, I'm pretty quick. I can usually make it to a ruck before the forwards have fully formed it. When this happens I don't really have a good sense of where to stand in order ot have good access to the ball but also avoid blocking other forwards coming in to ruck. Usually I've already surveyed the field (to my newbie abilities anyway) and made a decision as to what I want to do with the ball, yelled the call on my way to the ruck, etc, so that puts me in a mindset that I REALLY want to be close to the ball so I can make it happen. Should I just keep my distance instead until the ruck is fully formed? Where specifically should I be standing and how quickly should I get there? Thanks!
in more ways than one
Here are the 5 ways that you can kickstart your 2025 in the correct way with Sportplan and make this the best coaching year you have had!
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The Professionalisation of Netball is changing the game. Here is how it is helping to develop the sport.
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