Rugby: creating

creating DRILLS
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Maul Touch

Be brief when telling the players the laws of this game, it's important to get them moving quickly. This is not a contact game, but there will be some light contact. Break your players into two teams, giving each team their own colour of bibs if necessary. One team goes to attack, and one to defence. Nominate a Scrum Half for each team, it will be their job to move the ball from the back of the maul and out to an attacking line. There is no kicking in this game. Normal laws of rugby apply e.g. a forward pass will result in the ball being turned over to the opposition. If an attacking player is touched: they must stop and turn, a maul is then built based on how you have trained your players to Maul. Only four players should be in the maul - but every player should be able to maul - including the backs! When you start playing this game make sure that the defence is employing your defensive pattern around the maul. They will commit 4 players, but will not do anything more than provide light resistance. Once formed the maul can take four steps before moving the ball. If there is a delay in creating the maul, or the quality of the maul is poor - the ball can be turned over. Depending on your goals decide on the number of touches you wish to allow e.g. unlimited is not a bad option as mistakes will be made! If a team has been in possession for a long time, don't forget to turn the ball over to give the opposition a run. Don't hesitate to shape the game to focus on your session goals, and let us and other coaches know what worked for you.

Warm Up

Scoring Zones

Be brief when telling the players the laws of this game, it's important to get them moving quickly. This is not a contact game. Break your players into two teams, giving each team their own colour of bibs if necessary. One team goes to attack, and one to defense. Nominate a Scrum Half for each team. There is no kicking in this game. Normal laws of rugby apply e.g. a forward pass will result in the ball being turned over to the opposition. If an attacking player is touched: they must go to ground, present the ball, two of their teammates ruck over (staying over the ball), and the Scrum Half moves the ball for the next phase of attack.The defence must commit three players to every ruck, or risk an infringement which will see tem pushed back ten meters. The ball must be moved from the ruck within 5 seconds. Make sure that the defense is employing your defensive pattern around the ruck.  Throughout the game the coach call the point of attack e,g, attack RED ZONE or Zone 2. The coach can also call the scoring zone, Score At Zone Yellow or Zone 3. As the game progresses have the players call the point of attack, and the scoring zones - but they must do this early and they must committ to that attack for a period of time. Have attacking players do what they normally would at the ruck. Depending on your goals decide on the number of touches you wish to allow e.g. unlimited is not a bad option as mistakes will be made! On a mistake or after a period of time, turn the ball over so that both teams get time in attack and defence. Don't hesitate to shape the game to focus on your session goals, and let us and other coaches know what worked for you!

Warm Up

Rugby Netball Agility & Runnin...

Drill to practice skills and creating space.Set up a pitch (roughly 25m x 20m depending on age and number of players) with two scoring zones at each end (green cones). Split the players into two even teams and give each team different colour bibs.Teams are aiming to score points by passing the ball to a team mate who is standing in the scoring zone (see diagram). Each time a player catches the ball on the full from a pass from a team mate in the scoring zone their team scores one point, and they turn and attack back the other way. Players cannot run while holding the ball, they must be standing still when they pass.The defending team cannot get closer than 2m to the player with the ball, and can only gain possession by intercepting a pass or if the attacking team drop the ball or give a poor pass which goes to ground. PROGRESSION:Players can only have possession of the ball for 2 seconds. If they hold the ball for longer than two seconds then possession is turned over. This means that the defending team can gain possession if they cut down the attacking players passing options.Players can run when in possession of the ball, but still can only have possession of the ball for 2 seconds.Passes must be over head.Passes must be below waist height.Chip kick / grubber kick instead of pass.Passes must be out of the back of the hand.Passes must be behind the back.Defenders can touch the attacking player in possession of the ball. If the defending team makes two touches on the attacking team then possession is turned over.


creating SESSIONS
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creating ANSWERS
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Under 9`s rugby, fear of tackl...

I coach under 9`s rugby and a lot of the kids have a bad fear of tackling, they lack the confidence to get stuck in. What is the best thing to help them overcome this?

Archived User Coach

My U11's are a mixed bunch whe...

My U11's are a mixed bunch when it comes to tackling. Some very good, most OK, some ...hmmmm... enough said. Been through all the drills and when we break things down, go back to basics, everything appears OK, but it doesn't always transfer into the game. Any ideas on small group games that will allow me to combine technique with confidence?

Archived User Coach

Offside confusion - I have bee...

Offside confusion - I have been coaching mini rugby in Scotland for just over a year and had just got used to the idea that the ball is the off side line. Now under the new SRU law variations it is the same as the adult game. Can someone assist with the follwing scenario - A defender comes forward to tackle the ball carrier. The ball carrier side steps the defender and carries on going forward. The defender turns to give chase only to find that the ball carrier has passed the ball backwards across his path in attempt to reach his team-mates. If the defender catches the ball is he off-side? Would the answer to this question change if the defender was on the right side of the ball at the time the interception was made even though he was beyond the ball carrier at the time which the pass was made?

Archived User Coach

Setting up maul directly from ...

Why don’t teams set up a driving maul directly from a penalty, rather than risk losing a scrum or line out?

Ade Collingham Coach, England

U10s organisation in defence. ...

I have started an under 10s team up, and I would say about 8 from the 13 children I have , did not play rugby until about 6 months ago. Of these players, there seems to be a lot of potential, as we are scoring tries against teams, that very rarely concede tries.the problem I got with them, is that we are very poor at organising our selves in defense when the opposition has the ball, which does result in us conceding quite a few tries. We have some very good tacklers in the team. Can anyone offer some ideas on how I can get them to organise themselves? Thanks . Chris.

christopher jenkins Coach, Wales

First time coaching the U13s n...

I have just started helping our head coach with under12's team. He wants to retire and has put me forward to be head coach next season. I am a little worried on how i should aproach training with the boys, going to a full 15 a side team on a full pitch. Any ideas would be greatly appreciated.

Archived User Coach

how do i create animations for...

I am seeing animations in the drills library how can I do this?

Nick Hillary-Tee Coach, United States of America

Tips on breaking through a def...

Hi my name is Mac and i am a 8 man and i struggle to push through a defensive line when i have the ball due to how my coaches make us practice so i wanted to know tips on how to push/break through a defensive line when i have the ball.

Mac Coach, United States of America

New rules... how best to take long corners ?

Given the lovely new rules... Can you suggest how to coach a team taking long corners. No player can be 5 yards from player taking the long corner - So creating a 2v1 now is impossible. How do you coach this ? Thanks

Grant Hunt Coach, United Kingdom

Looking to open a bit of a debate. I was running a?

Looking to open a bit of a debate. I was running a 'coach the coaches' course last night and I asked the candidates 'do you coach your players to run at the man? or run at space?'. There was a 50/50 split, the older coaches said 'the man', younger ones 'the space', and others who'd never played before 'both!'. What do you coach?

Archived User Coach

How can my forwards counter a wheeling scrum?

My props (and I ) lack front row experience

Archived User Coach

Backs move from restart scrum?

Has anyone got a good backs move from scrum at halfway after failed restart.

Warren Galbraith Coach, Switzerland

Problem with creating text on chalkboard

I'm not able to add text when creating a new chalkboard.

Lucie Savelberg Coach, Netherlands

Is there a tutorial on creating animations?

Is there a tutorial on creating animations?

Jason Madvig Coach, United States of America

Clipboard/ Folder User Interface

Previously used this app and as I'm coaching again this season I've started using it again, previously never had much of an issue creating different training sessions.However, it seems now it is only possible to save exercises to your clipboard before then having the clipboard appear in your folders (which it has also disappeared for some reason for me)Ultimately the above makes for a really poor user experience where I get frustrated I can't just create a new session each week and place drills in that session. I like having a resource to view potential drills, etc but the above stops me being able to actually use it during a training session.More of a comment than a question but wanted to give my feedback.

David Easto Coach, England

Sessions get Deleted

Just wondering why when i make a session plan it sometimes deletes its self or doesn't show up in our folders.

Grace Coach, England

U8s crowding the ball

Hey all,Can anyone suggest some drills or tips to try and help my under 8s from crowding the ball carrier, We are finding that all of the team huddle around the ball carrier at Starts / Restarts. I dont want to keep stopping play to tell them that huddling around the ball carrier is not creating the space they need as i sound like a broken record.Any suggestions very welcome.Cheers

Matt Osborne Coach, England

about creating

how to create the drills in sports plan phone app?

akash hiremath Coach, India

creating a animation plan

I an not seem to access the animation planonce select then a cross appears

Andre mynhardt Coach, United Kingdom

Creating Animated Passing Drills

How can I create animated drills that pass back and forth between players?

Jesus Arriaza-Lopez Coach, United States of America


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Coaches from around the world look to Sportplan for coaching confidence.

Sportplan rugby has played a large role in my team's love for the game!

Heather Weston Rugby Coach, United States

I am so pleased with all of the drills and advice on rugby. I am a player for my local club and we don't have a coach at the moment so I, as a senior player, am filling that gap. With your help, the team has been able to improve our skills.

Mokie Tau Rugby Coach, Papua New Guinea

Your tips and session ideas have really brought some interest back to our rugby training. The players and I now really enjoy our training sessions.

Eifion Highes Rugby Coach, United Kingdom

Wow what a great website, I have found sportplan an important tool for me when planning my netball sessions with my netball team. There are alot of very helpful tips/ideas/skills that I can learn and teach to my team. Thank you sportplan I hope to continue to use your helpful tips and to learn more about improving my teams netball skills. Thanks again....keep it up....

Monique New Zealand

I have been using Sportplan now for 3 years and can honestly say that I have never repeated the same session twice. My girls are always focused and are improving every year. Thanks Sportplan.

Debbie Cross Australia

What a fantastic tool. The Chalkboard and session tools make an unbelievable difference in making training plans in both time and organization. I will be instructing all of my assistant coaches that this tool must be used for all sessions during the season, so that we may build a club coaching resource library.

Wes Campbell Rugby Coach Canada

I can't get enough of the Sportplan, It has given me back the enthusiasm i was starting to lose. My girls are so keen and are ready at 14 to take the next up in their game. Sportplan will help no end.

Cornel Basketball Coach, South Africa


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