Rugby: session of the week

session of the week ANSWERS
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what are simple drills for touch get ready?

what are simple drills for touch get ready for the season?

Archived User Coach

Where can i find the previous session of the weeks??

i've just come across the excellent session of the week. where can i find the previous ones? thanks.

Adam Lubbock Coach, England

Possible not the place to ask this but how do i print?

Possibly not the place to ask this but how do i print chalk board sessions i have made?

Archived User Coach

Looking for a fitness session that is both enjoyable?

Looking for a fitness session that is both enjoyable but hard work too?

Archived User Coach

Are the Sessions of the Week archived somewhere for?

I'm finding the site a great help to my rugby coaching and regularly use parts of the session of the week. Are these archived somewhere for me to access at a later date? I know you are able to save them to My Stuff but I haven't done that for the last two months! Thanks %3A-)

Jonathan Evans Coach, Wales

Do you have an app for the i pad

Do you have an app for the i pad

Sean Buchan Coach, England

Finding Drills used in weekly session plans

Been looking over some of the weekly sessions and would like to use some of the drills they use in my session planner but can`t find them when I search for them in the Drill section. Any ideas

Stephen Coach, Scotland

Paying for session plans

Very helpful site with lots of good ideas - thanks.If I have paid my £14.99 for 3 months , do I still need to pay for the sessions advertised at £1.69?

Archived User Coach

How can I access old sessions?

Archived User Coach

How can I save sessions of the week for later use?

Archived User Coach

Issue with plans

Hi I have premium subscription but cant open the plans😡 It keeps saying I must subscribe

Tanya Coach, South Africa

My U11's are a mixed bunch whe...

My U11's are a mixed bunch when it comes to tackling. Some very good, most OK, some ...hmmmm... enough said. Been through all the drills and when we break things down, go back to basics, everything appears OK, but it doesn't always transfer into the game. Any ideas on small group games that will allow me to combine technique with confidence?

Archived User Coach

coaching under 9s next year, w...

Hi, I’m coaching under 9s next year which involves tackling, mauls, rucks etc. I’m after advise on what to coach first and the amount of time spent on each area. Added to this I’ve somehow become the lead coach after a couple of coaches stepped down (feeling a little under pressure!) Would anybody be willing to share any sessions so I can plan the first month or so. Cheers

Archived User Coach

U10s organisation in defence. ...

I have started an under 10s team up, and I would say about 8 from the 13 children I have , did not play rugby until about 6 months ago. Of these players, there seems to be a lot of potential, as we are scoring tries against teams, that very rarely concede tries.the problem I got with them, is that we are very poor at organising our selves in defense when the opposition has the ball, which does result in us conceding quite a few tries. We have some very good tacklers in the team. Can anyone offer some ideas on how I can get them to organise themselves? Thanks . Chris.

christopher jenkins Coach, Wales

First time coaching the U13s n...

I have just started helping our head coach with under12's team. He wants to retire and has put me forward to be head coach next season. I am a little worried on how i should aproach training with the boys, going to a full 15 a side team on a full pitch. Any ideas would be greatly appreciated.

Archived User Coach

How do I coach women the game ...

I just finished my collegiate rugby career. I feel inspired I would love to coach rugby to women in countries that have a lower popularity of women's rugby. How do I get started?

Archived User Coach

skills or training session for...

hello there people I am looking for new ideas on high ball skills that I can incorporate into a 1 week training session much help will be appreciated cheers kudz

kudz Coach, France

Can you tell where to find the...

Can you tell where to find the fitness test that was shown last week

Stephen Mark Frost Coach, England

Training sessions for U10s on ...

At u10s level how many training sessions are acceptable in a week period with a game on a sunday. we currently use Wednesday 1hr session, Friday 1hr session and game sunday is this too much for under 10s even tho they enjoy every session and are improving and have no complaints.?

Archived User Coach

my club has a problem with the...

my club has a problem with the seniors. Numbers at training are low every week, I know there is not a quick solution so how can i create a good culture of training ?

Archived User Coach


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What our users have been saying...

Coaches from around the world look to Sportplan for coaching confidence.

Sportplan rugby has played a large role in my team's love for the game!

Heather Weston Rugby Coach, United States

I am so pleased with all of the drills and advice on rugby. I am a player for my local club and we don't have a coach at the moment so I, as a senior player, am filling that gap. With your help, the team has been able to improve our skills.

Mokie Tau Rugby Coach, Papua New Guinea

Your tips and session ideas have really brought some interest back to our rugby training. The players and I now really enjoy our training sessions.

Eifion Highes Rugby Coach, United Kingdom

Wow what a great website, I have found sportplan an important tool for me when planning my netball sessions with my netball team. There are alot of very helpful tips/ideas/skills that I can learn and teach to my team. Thank you sportplan I hope to continue to use your helpful tips and to learn more about improving my teams netball skills. Thanks again....keep it up....

Monique New Zealand

I have been using Sportplan now for 3 years and can honestly say that I have never repeated the same session twice. My girls are always focused and are improving every year. Thanks Sportplan.

Debbie Cross Australia

What a fantastic tool. The Chalkboard and session tools make an unbelievable difference in making training plans in both time and organization. I will be instructing all of my assistant coaches that this tool must be used for all sessions during the season, so that we may build a club coaching resource library.

Wes Campbell Rugby Coach Canada

I can't get enough of the Sportplan, It has given me back the enthusiasm i was starting to lose. My girls are so keen and are ready at 14 to take the next up in their game. Sportplan will help no end.

Cornel Basketball Coach, South Africa


  • search our library of 1100+ rugby drills
  • create professional rugby coaching plans
  • or access our tried and tested rugby plans

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