1. Square on: one hand
Stand square on, in your partners pass the ball back and forth no more than 5m away from eachother, rember use 1 hand and start with ball on hip.
2. Side on: one hand
Same again but no stand side on.
3. One step: two hands
Same distance apart, introduce the second hand and take a step and pass try to do 10 off each hand.
1. Square on: one hand
Grip - hand back of the ball, fingers apart.
Pass - finish with hand pointing at target, Do not force spin - let the ball roll off the fingers, Ball on hip - do not swing the ball - powerful motion from hip.
2. Side on: one hand
Grip: same as above
Pass: same as above: use the non passing hand as an aim point and pass.
3. One step: two hands
Step: Step with the outside foot (if step on inside will block the pass - more difficult)
Grip:same as above, other hand just guides the pass same hand position, ball on hip. (the non power hand is a guidence - shouldnt add any power or spin)
Pass: same as aobove but bow follow the pass, this will add power and accuracy. Over exagerate the finish with hands pointing at the target.
Full process: catch pass --> head turns --> stay square --> ball on hip --> hands finish at target.
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