Rugby: Four Handed Touch

Sportplan rugby has played a large role in my team's love for the...
Heather, Rugby Coach


The following are the laws for this game:

  • Equal number of defenders and attackers. Use bibs to identify both teams.
  • Normal laws of rugby apply; a knock on etc. results in a turn over.
  • The attacking team gets 8 touches before the ball has to be turned over. Change this to suit your training goals. It would be ok to have unlimited touches, changing the defence and attack after a set period of time.
  • A player is touched only when two defenders have all four hands on them, if this is not the case - the attacker can play on.
  • Defenders cannot hold the attacker, nor can the attacker use significant force to push through defenders.
  • If a player is touched: they stop, set the ball down, stand over it, and the scrum half is allowed to move the ball again to restart the attack.
  • The defence must remain onside following a touch.
  • Only when the support player passes the ball out can the defence press up on the attack.
  • If the defence goes offside or operates illegally, the attack gains 10 meters.
  • Don't forget to switch the teams around.
  • There is no kicking.


Remember you don't have to focus on all of the following points. Pick the ones that are relevant to your session, or decide on your own coaching points.

  • Play the game at the highest tempo possible; encourage players to attack at speed and to make decisions quickly.
  • Players should make decision, even if they are the wrong decisions. The only truly wrong decision is no decision at all.
  • Players receiving a pass should have their hands out and should communicate with the ball carrier.
  • Players coming onto the ball should do so at speed.
  • When a pass is to be made quickly, the ball should be drawn across the body in one motion with the ball leaving the players hands - which follow through towards the target.
  • Communication between attackers and defenders should be effective, efficient, and encouraging.
  • Defenders need to work in groups of two or three, closing in on the ball and spreading out when the ball passes from their channel/s.
  • Defenders work in units, rather than a line. They are responsible for the player on their left and right - with that will come a flat line.
  • The defensive line moves at an appropriate speed to close the space between the defensive line and the attacking line.
  • Defenders accept that the ball is lost at the breakdown, and do nothing to concede a penalty - spreading to deal with the next attack.
  • Leaders in attack and defence need to be leading e.g. the direction of the attack - not only what is happening now, but what is going to happen next.
  • Attacking calls need to be made early!
  • Have fun with this, provide encouraging feedback.

Flip It | Warm Up

Flip It:

  • Be brief when telling the players the laws of this game, it's important to get them moving quickly.
  • This is not a contact game.
  • Break your players into two teams, giving each team their own colour of bibs if necessary.
  • One team goes to attack, and one to defence.
  • Nominate a Scrum Half for each team.
  • There is no kicking in this game.
  • Normal laws of rugby apply e.g. a forward pass will result in the ball being turned over to the opposition.
  • If an attacking player is touched: they must go to ground, present the ball, two of their teammates ruck over (staying over the ball), and the Scrum Half moves the ball for the next phase of attack.
  • When you start playing this game make sure that the defence is employing your defensive pattern around the ruck. As the game develops consider telling the defenders that they must have one or more players at the back of the ruck, if they are not fast enough to do this - push them back 10 meters.
  • It’s important that defenders are employing their defensive pattern behind the primary defensive line.
  • Have attacking players do what they normally would at the ruck.
  • Depending on your goals decide on the number of touches you wish to allow e.g. unlimited is not a bad option as mistakes will be made!
  • When you feel the time is appropriate, usually during a ruck, blow you whistle and should FLIP IT – kicking in or throwing in a second ball to the back 3/2 defenders on the team currently in defence OR just kick it behind the defenders. The defensive team goes, without hesitation, into attack. The team that was attacking goes into defence and you or an assistant coach remove the other ball from play when you can. Ideally you might have two balls with different markings.
  • Don't hesitate to shape the game to focus on your session goals, and let us and other coaches know what worked for you!

Warm Up



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