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What is the best set piece to win a center court and score a goal
Play your team with a strong WA. Teach two systems of play one for when the WA recieves the centre pass and the other for when the GA recieves the centre pass. Keep it simple so the players understand the system and the need to look for the back up player if the expected pass is covered. I coach an Under 13 and under 16 team and both use the following system effectively. From the centre pass first pass to WA GS comes out of ring for the 2nd pass and GA runs into the ring to recieve the 3rd pass from the GS. If the GA is not free or the GS can not effectively pass that far the 3rd pass should go to the C player who has moved to the edge of the ring on the GA side of the court. After passing the ball GS should return immediately to the ring. Good luck. Alternatively if the GA takes the centre pass the WA should cut accross and take the second pass the C should take up the possition the WA left and then move to the top of the ring once the GA has entered the ring. After recieving the pass the WA should pass straight in to the GS who shoud be breaking back towards the ring. Good luck
Thanks! We'll give it a go
Added to the above answer:- don't forget to teach the ways for the WA/GA to get in front, ie dodge, double dodge etc and also prepare for the event where they are blocked by teaching the "backdoor" ie WD/GD to still lead and call if others are blocked/slower...
use the WA to recieve the 1st pass, then get the GS to get the next pass a draw the Gk out of the cirlce, put a player with high speed into goal attack. during the C pass get them to clear out along the side line and time a fast base line lead under the ring.gets rid of defenders and there is an open circle, all they have to do is get the ball there
How did the Modern Olympics originally begin and why are they so culturally significant today?
The Professionalisation of Netball is changing the game. Here is how it is helping to develop the sport.
Scoring more goals is often the key to victory in netball. Here's how Sportplan can help you achieve this.
Use our expert plans or build your own using our library of over 700+ drills, and easy-to-use tools.