2v2 defenders (DEF) v attackers (ATT). Defenders on the left side, attackers on the right. On coachâs signal, ATT + DEF sprint to the end cone, then ATT attack the goal, while DEF defend. Coach counts to [10]. DEF win if no goal scored within that time. Variations: (mixed abilities) Overload i.e. 3v2 or underload i.e. 1v2. Regain possession. DEF win if they dispossess + keep ball for 10 sec. ATT must try to win it back. Progressions: - (objective) Defenders win if they dispossess and hit the ball out of the top end of the D, otherwise play on.
Feedback: ATT: which side of the DEF are you attacking more? Are you attacking the space, or running into the DEF? DEF: how can we delay the ATT, keep them away from danger zone?
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This practice has no progressions
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