Transform your
team's season with
planned sessions

Use our expert plans or build your own using our library of over 1100+ drills, and easy-to-use tools.

can anyone suggest a number of drills to improve my?

can anyone suggest a number of drills to improve my under 9's skill levels as well as positional specific skills. (Rugby League)


Once you have signed up as a member you get 20 free drills each month so look at the "Drills" section/tab.

If you want more there is a small fee and then you can have as many as you want a month.


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  • search our library of 1100+ rugby drills
  • create professional coaching plans
  • or access our tried and tested plans
Join now for free
  • search our library of 1100+ rugby drills
  • create your own professional coaching plans
  • or access our tried and tested plans