Does anyone have good drills for the ruck and how not?

Does anyone have good drills for the ruck and how not?

Does anyone have good drills for the ruck and how not to over commit players to it, Which players do you want in the ruck when playing crash ball.

Rugby CoachCoach
Rugby CoachCoach

Hi Andy, Depending on what you really want to achive in the ruck there are different drills. If you just want to achive a holding ruck then I normally say 4 players max 5. If you want a pushing ruck then I would surgest more. I dont intend to coach a pushing ruck as players seem to forget about the ball or theres not all ways players to step in behind. I prefer the holding ruck, where the 1st and 2nd supporting players have stepped over with their outside leg to form a wall as such and the 3rd supporting player can either then decide wether to hold the ruck further or pick the ball up and carry on with the crash phases. I hope this helps

Rugby CoachCoach

Andy, when I ask players 'how many do we commit to a ruck?' I generally get different answers, which says to me that they're not playing as a unit. The 1st comeback I generally like to hear and do hear from coherent teams is 'depends what we're trying to achieve!' and then 'as many as it takes to achieve it'.

I never tell them how many it should take and how many to put in, just let them work it out themselves.

I pretty much use the below drill for all rucking practice, it can be varied as the coach sees fit, but the basics of it are sound. You can add phases to it too. Even though i've put it down as a counter ruck practice, its just a ruck practice really.

Counter ruck

Condition the drill in favour of 1 team, in this case the blue team. All players lay on their fronts behind the tackle bags. On the coaches whistle, the 2 teams move to contest possession. The blue players can move straight over the bag to contest, but only the 1st red player can do the same. The other 2 red players have to run round the cones before moving in to counter ruck.

Counter ruck

Condition the drill in favour of 1 team, in this case the blue team. All players lay on their fronts behind the tackle bags. On the coaches whistle, the 2 teams move to contest possession. The blue players can move straight over the bag to contest, but only the 1st red player can do the same. The other 2 red players have to run round the cones before moving in to counter ruck.
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