10 repeticiones de cada ejercicio Roller se realiza desde infantil en adelante ROLLER Gemelo (con piernas cruzadas) Cuadriceps (con piernas cruzadas) Gluteos (Piernas en forma de L) Lateral exterior Lateral interior Acostado cuadriceps MINIBANDS Apertura acostado lateral Puente, aguantar 1 segundo (subir explosivo y bajar lento) Apoyado piernas y brazos (forma perrete), apertura lateral Apoyado piernas y brazos (forma perrete), apertura atrás Sentadillas Peso muerto (espalda recta y brazos cruzados) Zancadas con manos en la cadera Pies rápidos
This practice has no coaching points
This practice has no progressions
How did the Modern Olympics originally begin and why are they so culturally significant today?
The Professionalisation of Netball is changing the game. Here is how it is helping to develop the sport.
Scoring more goals is often the key to victory in netball. Here's how Sportplan can help you achieve this.