how could we make it harder

how could we make it harder

what are the teaching points and how can we make it harder for the player

World Cup Headers

Groups of 4 players are paired and stationed on the sides of the area as shown in the diagram. Each team takes on the identity of a World Cup Team. The object of the game is to head the ball past the opposing team and over the opposing goal line. The player in possession serves the ball to his teammate to head towards the opposing goal line. The defending team must attempt to stop the ball from crossing their end line without using their hands. Once the ball has been stopped, the receiving player picks the ball up and serves the ball to his partner to repeat in the opposite direction. If a team heads a ball straight back and scores, the team gets 2 points.

World Cup Headers

Groups of 4 players are paired and stationed on the sides of the area as shown in the diagram. Each team takes on the identity of a World Cup Team. The object of the game is to head the ball past the opposing team and over the opposing goal line. The player in possession serves the ball to his teammate to head towards the opposing goal line. The defending team must attempt to stop the ball from crossing their end line without using their hands. Once the ball has been stopped, the receiving player picks the ball up and serves the ball to his partner to repeat in the opposite direction. If a team heads a ball straight back and scores, the team gets 2 points.
Harry Coach, England
Annabel DunnillCoach, England

Hi Harry,

I think you should focus on a proper technique and safety when heading the ball. Here are some important coaching points to consider.

Body Position:

Ensure proper body alignment by facing the ball square on with your feet shoulder-width apart. Keep your body relaxed but focused, with a slight bend in your knees.

Eyes on the Ball:

Maintain constant visual contact with the ball from the moment it is kicked until it makes contact with your head.\


Judge the flight of the ball and time your jump accordingly to meet the ball at its highest point.

Jumping Technique:

Use a coordinated jump with a well-timed leap, pushing off with your legs to gain height. Aim to meet the ball at its highest point to maximize power and accuracy.

Forehead Contact:

Use the forehead, just above the hairline, as the primary contact point.Keep your neck muscles relaxed to allow for a more natural and controlled header.

Head Position:

Keep your head firm and steady, with your eyes open, as you make contact with the ball. Avoid turning your head at the moment of impact, as this can lead to misdirection.

Use Neck Muscles:

Engage your neck muscles to provide strength and stability during the header. Develop neck strength through targeted exercises to reduce the risk of injury.

Arms and Shoulders:

Use your arms for balance by extending them slightly to the sides.

Keep your shoulders level to maintain stability during the header.

Hope this helps.


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