what is the best way to improve my cricket team?

what is the best way to improve my cricket team?

What should my team do to improve our game so we can become the best team in our area? All tips and suggestions greatly appreciated.

Cricket CoachCoach
Cricket CoachCoach

  1. Be mentally strong.
  2. Guide your team with a positive approach.
  3. Always be the most active player on the ground.
  4. Make maximum use of the opponent team's weaknesses and plan your strategy accordingly.
  5. Use the Powerplays wisely.
  6. Take decisions according to the result of the Coin Toss.
  7. Keep the team united, as far as possible, without seeming to unduly favour any one player or player faction.
  8. Try to reduce politics between the team members, if and when they surface.
  9. Accept suggestions and ideas from fellow team members but think it over before implementing them.
  10. Try to capitalize each of your players strength's and do not let their weaknesses to be discovered and attacked at.
  11. Be fair and impartial and give youngsters or new players a chance.
  12. Keep the confidence levels high among your team.
    • Try not to put blame on a single person if you lose a match, tell your team mates that, its the team's fault not a single person's, so that the person wont feel guilty and can move on and play next match well
    • Always have a word with the team before the match and always tell the fielders their fielding positions as it would save a lot of time.
    • Even when you get a low score or bowl badly keep your head up you have a team to captain.
    • Research each and every ground and player of the opposing team thoroughly before a series : to ensure no set of circumstances can catch you off guard and to make sure that no player shows you up as ill-prepared.
    • Even if your team have lost a 5match series 4-0, still play the fifth one with full confidence and motivation and never give up.
    • Learn from your mistakes committed in previous matches and use them to your advantage in future matches.
    • Support your team no matter what. Be there for them. Don't blame one person when something goes wrong because it's every one's fault.
    • Always think you are the second best team in the world even though you are ranked first in the ranking. This will help you to win lot of matches.
    • Always be fair to your players to avoid player-led rebellions against you.
    • Always be cool while playing.

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