To set this game up you need a gymnastics bench at each side of the half court and two back to back benches (or a large gymnastics box if available) laying flat inside the middle of the area.
In this middle area there should be a white player defending their side of the bench and a blue player defending their side.
The white team tries to score by hitting the ball on the blue's side of the bench and the white side tries to score on the blue's side of the central bench.
After every failed attempt to score the team who made the shot must touch one of the benches on either side of the area.
When catching ensure players:
Reach for the ball with open palms. Make a W with their thumbs and index finger and that after catching the ball move it towards your body to protect it.
No dribbling allowed.
No running allowed.
Pass 5 times before being able to try and score.
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