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How do you add drills to session already saved?

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You should just be able to add drills to your clipboard. If you wish to edit an existing session it may be better to copy the text and create another session.

I hope that helps


Thanks Simon I'm finding that when i have saved a session and then find something i would like to add to it; I can't add to the original session it starts a new clipboard. The only way i can add to a session is to move everything from the saved session on to a new clipboard and then find the new drill, add that and then re-save it. Then delete original session.


Good Question, here are the steps you need.

  1. Find the new drills you want and add them to your clipboard
  2. Then go to your My Stuff section,
  3. Open the saved session you wish to amend
  4. Click Edit, at the top of the page (not on the clipboard)
    you will find extra buttons on the Edit pop-up - Insert and Reorder,
  5. click insert
    and you will be shown a list of drills from the clipboard, click on the drill you want to insert. It will be added to the end of your session.
  6. Use the reorder button to move the drill into the location where you want it in your session
  7. save your changes.

It sounds more complicated than it is, we hope that helps. We are always working to improve the interface, so hopefully this will be more logical soon.

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