Basketball DIY - iPhone App

  • November 18, 2011
  • John Nurse

"This app focuses on how to train, how much to train, how to teach and coach yourself." - The drills you need to do time and time again to become an elite player.

Based on "Player Under Construction" By Jimmie Guymon, Ex Pro US Player, Jimmie has dedicated himself to developing young athletes into basketball players and preparing them for the NBA Draft.

Over 1 Hour of High Quality Video
Ball Handling - Dribbling - Passing - Fake - Shooting Inside - Outside Shooting - Inside Moves - Rebounding - Defense - Quickness Drills - Jumping Routine - Circuit Training - Weight Lifting

Out of the entire population of the United States only one person in a million will play in the NBA the skill level in basketball is so high. It requires so much practice there are a few that can excel, that is why the NBA is the only elite league in the world.

Great App

This is a great app with so many useful drills. I would recommend this to anyone who wants to play basketball.

iTunes Review

Basketball is fun to play and that is all most people want to do, they just want to play. But the players that want to make something of themselves in the sport is the player that wants to work on there own, practising all the skills, perfecting each one of them, and there're thousands of them. That player is willing to do the repetitious drilling that is required to perfect each skill, that player will practice on their own until each aspect of each skill is truly perfected, that player is truly unique.

This app is designed to teach you how to train to be that basketball player this app is here to show you how each particular skill is done most other videos teach you that, This app focuses on how to train, how much to train, how to teach and coach yourself. I can tell you now there're no magic drills that can be done to make yourself an amazing player the only way to perfect the skill is bashing through sheer repetition doing a drill over and over refining it coaching yourself telling yourself how you what that skill to look and feel until it is perfect.

The Player is built in the off season when you can dedicate yourself to training each drill. Developing skills in basketball is a lonely existence if you're persistent and committed you will get through it

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