Rugby Drill Demonstration


  1. Tackle bags and hit shields are laid out in a 10m square with a tackle bag and a hit shield on each corner.
  2. The bags are on the ground with a shield holder standing over them.
  3. Players are paired up and lie on their back with their feet facing away from the first bag.
  4. On the coach's signal the first pair get to their feet and take a tight bind on each other as they step over the tackle bag and drive into the shield holder.
  5. Here they move to the second tackle bag and repeat the drill, until all bags have been done.
  6. Progression: Add a ball carrier for the 2 players to bind on to.


Coaching points

  1. Communication between players essential
  2. Low body positions and drive with the legs together

Created by DBPirates, Rugby Coach, Hong Kong

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