Red is defense. Force is flick. Down field defenders are in 1 on 1 coverage. break side defenders shade to the open side and over. Open side defenders to the inside and over.
If opponents run Vertical stack then all shade to the open side escept tiny who should be breakside. tiny 2 or middle defender should be ready to switch with Jumbo defender depending on gender.
handler d is dependent on opponent.
Objective is to prevent deep throws.
Mark defense is less active in this defense.
typically force will be called either no arounds or insides depending on opponents preference
Handler d positioning is incredibly important. Handler defenders need to clog throwing lanes to make unders difficult. Open side handler should slightly move away from assignment and into open lane. Breakside handler d should do the same into the inside lane.
. Downfield defenders cannot overcommit to under cuts and allow for deep throws.
This defense will employ more swtiches against vertical stack.
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