how can i get my freshmen girls team to be aggressive on bball court.

how can i get my freshmen girls team to be aggressive on bball court.

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Basketball CoachCoach
Ian MarshCoach, England

What it sounds like is your players are not keen on tackling other players. To improve this I would focus on possession. Split your girls into two teams and create a competition about who can maintain possession in a specific area long enough for to make 10 passes. Everytime a team successfully completes 10 passes the defending team should be made to do a forfeit (10 press-ups, one for every pass?). Alternatively have a look at the 1v1 and games section and focus on the competitive elements of the drill with your players.

3 v 3

Split the class into groups of 6. With 3 defenders and 3 attackers. One team starts with the ball and is attacking the basket, with the other team defending. If the defenders get the ball then the roles are reversed.

3 v 3

Split the class into groups of 6. With 3 defenders and 3 attackers. One team starts with the ball and is attacking the basket, with the other team defending. If the defenders get the ball then the roles are reversed.
Basketball CoachCoach

get them to play 'war' - three girls under the basket, mouth guards in, shot goes up, every girl for themselves, as soon as the ball drops through the net anyone can grab it out and shoot again...first to three.

Matthew GuymonCoach, England

The best way I have found to get youth teams to be more aggressive is to practice and play against older and more physical players. There is no escaping this for them, they will not be allowed to play soft. It may take a while but the younger players will get tired of getting pushed around and they will begin to fight back and realize what they need to do to compete. Competition breeds growth and improvement. If all of your team is not aggressive, there are no drills out there that will make them tougher on there own. They need to be challenged day in and day out at practice. If they wont push each other, then you will have to go out and recruit some older players in to push them. Then with older players in, drills like the ones stated above will be great. Another favorite is doing box out drills when you have a mix of older and younger players.

Basketball CoachCoach

I had this problem with my girls team and played them against my men's team. Pretty soon they realised they had the tools and strategy to win but needed to start being more physical.

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