Fitness Test


  • Run shuttles between the half court line and the baseline;
  • Speed of running depends on level of work required and time in the session - jog if it is for a warmup, raise to 75 % to 100 % if it is for a fitness test.
  • A good drill to work on turning and footwork as players tire.


  • Baseline to near free throw line to baseline;
  • Baseline to half court line to baseline;
  • Baseline to far free throw line to baseline;
  • Baseline to far baseline to baseline.
  • The aim is to complete the pyramid within 30 seconds.

    If the player exceeds 30 seconds a penalty should be incurred (for example 1 press up for every 0.5 second over 30 seconds).

    Repeat the pyramid to improve/assess endurance.

    Pyramid and Shuffle

  • Baseline to sideline level with freethrow line;
  • Sidestep to middle of free throw circle and back to sideline;
  • Sideline level with freethrow line backwards to baseline;
  • Baseline to half court line;
  • Sidestep to middle of centre circle and back to sideline;
  • Sideline level with centre circle backwards to baseline;
  • Baseline to sideline level with far freethrow line;
  • Sidestep to middle of far free throw circle and back to sideline;
  • Sideline level with far freethrow line backwards to baseline;
  • Baseline to far baseline.
  • 2 Lengths

  • Baseline to far baseline and back.
  • Should be completed in 11 seconds.

    4 Cross-Court Shuttles

  • Sideline to sideline and back again;
  • Repeat twice (or 4 widths)
  • Should be completed in 8 seconds.


  • On the floor, resting on palms of hands and toes and balls of the feet only, arms locked;
  • Body should be straight;
  • Lower torso to the ground by bending the arms, body to remain rigid;
  • Torso should get within a fist's distance from the floor;
  • Lift torso back up by straightening the arms.
  • Set a target of 40 pressups, 30 seconds, or any amount/duration that your players should be capable of achieving.

    Bicycle Squats

  • Start in the pressup position;
  • Bring one leg forwards, bending the knee;
  • The knee should pass in front of the line between the shoulders;
  • Leg moves backwards as the other leg moves forwards, knee between the shoulders.
  • Exercise continuously for 30 seconds to 2 minutes.


  • Lie on the floor, back flat, legs bent, feet flat, arms crossed over chest;
  • Core muscles should be firm, and remain tense throughout;
  • Raise torso by using the stomach muscles, not the back;
  • Slowly lower torso back down again by controlling stomach muscles;
  • Core muscles should not lose tension.
  • Set a target of 40 situps, 30 seconds continuous work, or any amount/time that your players should be capable of achieving.


  • Stand, arms above head;
  • Jump as high as possible, reaching hands as high as possible;
  • On landing, drop to the pressup position;
  • Bring both knees between your shoulders simultaneously and back to the pressup position (a squat thrust);
  • Back to your feet, in the same movement jumping as high as possible raising arms and hands as high as possbile;
  • When performing the jump, keep head raised and look forwards, not to the ground.
  • Set a target of 20 burpees, 30 seconds continuous work, or any amount/time that your players should be capable of achieving.

    Bench Hops

  • Stand three quarters of a metre to one side of the bench;
  • Two-footed jump over the bench;
  • Land two footed on the toes;
  • Bend knees, absorb energy, and two-footed jump back over the bench.
  • Exercise for 30 seconds - 2 minutes continuous exercise.

    Backboard Touches

  • Stand on the baseline below the backboard;
  • Two-footed jump arms raised above the head to touch the backboard with both hands;
  • Land two footed on the toes;
  • Bend knees, absorb energy, and two-footed jump back up to touch the backboard;
  • If players cannot jump that high in one motion, take a second jump, gaining more power from the knee bend.
  • Set a target of 20 backboard touches or 30 seconds continuous work, or whatever is appropriate for the player.

    Centre Circle Shuffles

  • Feet wide apart, crab across the centre circle;
  • Hands raised as if defending, try and spread yourself wide, maintain stability;
  • Touch the centre circle line with outside hand when you reach it.
  • Complete 20 transitions of the centre circle.