Review Your Coaching Performance

November 23rd, 2021 Matt Morrison


As coaches we spend the majority of time analysing players, planning sessions or thinking through tactics. Every once in a while it can be beneficial to review your own coaching performance to make sure you aren't falling short and continue to be the best coach you can be.

Immediate Reflection

Try to self reflect on a session when it is fresh in your memory. The longer you leave it, the less effective the review becomes. Doing so immediately after the session will provide you with the best possible analysis. If you have planned your session online, writing your thoughts down on the plan will allow you to attach reviews to specific drills or coaching points and help you to stay organised. This might also trigger changes to any future sessions that you've got planned. When flicking back through plans, these notes might also indicate what you do and don't want to use again.

Review Others

Review other coaches' sessions and encourage fellow coaches to review yours. Even if you only catch 5 minutes at the end of another session, you might pick up tips as to what another coach is doing well. On the flip of that, you might see something that didn't go well and this might get you thinking about if that's something you want to take out of your sessions.

Someone watching in on your session will provide a differing perspective. Again they might see things that work well, don't work well or anything that is missing from your session. Encourage honesty in your review. Providing constructive feedback in this way opens the conversation up on what you can do to make your sessions better and might throw up new ideas for you both to use.

Record Sessions

Those coaches who have more time and resources might go the extra mile and film their coaching sessions. Not only can this help with player analysis but also you can review your own coaching performance back. Similar to getting another coach to review your session, watching a filmed session back might allow you to catch something that you had previously missed.

This form of review is a great way to see your own body language when delivering a session. Your body language and the way you present yourself in front of players is a big part of coaching and video review will help to perfect this.

We should all be aiming to be a better coach and getting the thinking process started about challenging your performance as a coach will not only benefit yourself but also your players.


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